We currently taking applications for The Children & Youth Education Coordinator. This is a part time position. Work hours are required on Sunday mornings. Sunday afternoon availability is also necessary. All background clearances will be required for this position as stated by the State of PA.
Welcome to Our New Pastors
From Dan Christopher, Staff-Parish Relations Chair
On Sunday, July 2, we welcomed the Rev. Dr. Kyung Mo Koo and his wife, the Rev. Dr. SunAe Lee-Koo, to Lincoln Park Church.
Kyung Mo will serve as full-time pastor, and SunAe has a 1/4 time appointment here, funded by the Eastern PA Conference.
The son of a Methodist minister in South Korea, Kyung met SunAe at the Methodist Theological Seminary in Seoul, South Korea. After they moved to the US, Kyung received his Masters of Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary in 1999 and his Doctor of Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2007. He has been in ministry for 22 years.
SunAe has her Masters in Divinity from Wesley and received her Doctor of Philosophy in Spirituality from Catholic University in 2012. She transitioned from Pastor’s wife to Pastor, with her own charge in the Delaware Conference.
SunAe and KyungMo have wanted to serve one congregation together as a couple. SunAe especially enjoys Bible study and small groups.
Our new pastors have two children. Their daughter GaHye is a financial consultant in New York. Their son Justin begins an appointment to the US Military Academy at West Point this month.
Please join us for worship and meet our new pastors!