We currently taking applications for The Children & Youth Education Coordinator. This is a part time position. Work hours are required on Sunday mornings. Sunday afternoon availability is also necessary. All background clearances will be required for this position as stated by the State of PA.
Vacation Bible School 2019
The Great Treasure Hunt
July 22–25, 6:00–7:15pm
Where can you find a tropical island, a treasure chest, a treasure map, a pirate, a Tinkerbell-like character and a wonderful story? That’s an easy answer. Come to our Vacation Bible School on July 22–25 from 6:00–7:15pm. Parents are invited to join with us on Thursday, July 25 at 7PM for a closing program and an ice cream sundae party.
The Great Treasure Hunt is designed for children ages 2–grade 4, and the program will entertain them with songs, stories, puppet shows, crafts, activities and snacks while presenting God’s lesson of His treasures here on earth and in heaven. In a time when “money, money, money” is what the kids hear almost daily, this is a refreshing approach to showing them that money, and what it can buy, is only temporary. What is eternal is God’s love and His promise to love us both here on earth and in our heavenly home. God shares His treasures with us.
Loving our neighbors and sharing with them is an expectation God has for all of us. As a way of doing this, we will be asking the children, their parents, and our church members to help. On the final evening, July 25, we suggest that the kids bring some new, inexpensive toys, games, puzzles, coloring books, etc., that will be shared with the children in organizations like Opportunity House, the Red Cross, and others. (The Dollar Stores are a great place to find these items.) The congregation is asked to bring these items to church on July 21 and 28. If you prefer, a monetary donation will gladly be accepted.
Here’s another request of our members. Please let us know if there are any families in your neighborhood with young children. We will make certain they receive a flyer about The Great Treasure Hunt. VBS is not only for our own kids, but all of God’s children. Let’s share God’s treasures with everyone!
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