We currently taking applications for The Children & Youth Education Coordinator. This is a part time position. Work hours are required on Sunday mornings. Sunday afternoon availability is also necessary. All background clearances will be required for this position as stated by the State of PA.
Thursday Night Live
“It’s Thursday Night Live!”
UPDATE: Thursday Night Live for May 21 has been postponed to June 18 (subject to change).
Please join the Lincoln Park Praise Band every third Thursday of the month at 8:00 pm for a time of Praise, Prayer, and Fellowship. All are welcome to come and refresh, relax, and refill!
Thursday Night Live is a special monthly worship service held at Lincoln Park on the third Thursday of every month. During this casual worship time, we will sing some songs, say some prayers, hear some devotions, and join in fellowship with one another. This is a great opportunity for anyone who cannot attend worship on Sunday mornings, or for anyone who would like to supplement their weekly worship with a new experience in a different setting.

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