From Pastor Quentin Wallace // As we enter the spring months, we pray for accolades of praise for God to grow exponentially. I believe this can occur through the seeds we plant; seeds of gratitude and love.
From Pastor Christopher Kurien – November 2020

November is already here! By the time you have this News-Linc in your hands, our presidential election will be over. Some will be happy and others not so happy about the outcome. As Americans, we’re called to pray for our President and our country no matter who is in the White House. I believe we have that responsibility as good citizens and as Christian disciples.
We’ve also just remembered the saints who’ve gone before us on All Saints Sunday. May their memories continue to be a blessing in our lives! Let us pray for all who’ve lost dear ones in the past year, that they will experience the peace of Christ that surpasses all human understanding.
With November days becoming cooler and shorter, we realize it will soon be Thanksgiving. During this pandemic, as we prepare for this season, may we remember what we can be grateful for. I am thankful for the family of Lincoln Park United Methodist Church and for the privilege of serving as your pastor.
The season of Advent begins the last Sunday of November. Normally an exciting time of the year, Advent is a time for preparation for the coming of our Lord. The word Advent is from the Latin word, to come.The church has observed the season since the fifth century, with themes of watchfulness, preparation, expectation, and hope. We anticipate the celebration of God’s coming in the form of the Christ Child, and we look forward to the final coming of Christ in glory.
The message of Advent is sometimes blurred by the commercialism of Christmas. TV ads bombard us with “that perfect gift,” a must for under the tree. Then, there’s the ever-present countdown of shopping days left. In our busyness, it’s important to remember the reason for the season. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, many are wondering how we’re going to celebrate this joyful season.
In the midst of uncertainties may God’s greatest gift to us, Jesus the Christ, continue to inspire us. Perhaps in our world of social distancing and quarantines we’ll discover new ways to celebrate this holy season.
May each of us experience that “greatest gift” during these challenging times.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Chris
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