UPDATE 12/16/24: The Missions Committee thanks everyone who participated in the Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family Angel Tree project. Today, a car full of gifts—winter coats, clothing, personal care products, household items, toys, and gift cards—was delivered to the Salvation Army. Because of your generosity, this family will have a memorable Christmas.
Missions Update – November 2022
We’re Grateful for Your Faithful Support!
From Carol Bashore, Missions Chair
The Missions Committee will hold its next meeting on Monday, November 14, in the Church Library, at 7 pm. At this time, we’ll pack up the 10 bags and 1 box of necessities for men, women, and children who are entering the OPPORTUNITY HOUSE.
A check for the monetary donations will be prepared and announced to the congregation in a future mailing. Thank you to everyone who helped with this local mission.
Our last mission project for this year will be the ANGEL TREE. As in the past, listed gifts or monetary contributions will be collected to provide a selected family with items they cannot afford to purchase.
The Salvation Army is still interviewing possible candidates. After this is completed, they’ll send us a list of the needs of one large family, or two smaller families. This list will be forwarded to all church members in hopes of being able to provide our assigned family/families with a joyful Christmas Day. Questions? Call Diane Fisher.
Mother Teresa said,
At this Christmas when Christ comes,
will he find a warm heart?
Mark the season of Advent by loving
and serving others
with God’s own love and concern.”