UPDATE 12/16/24: The Missions Committee thanks everyone who participated in the Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family Angel Tree project. Today, a car full of gifts—winter coats, clothing, personal care products, household items, toys, and gift cards—was delivered to the Salvation Army. Because of your generosity, this family will have a memorable Christmas.
Missions Update May 2024
Clothing for Hope Rescue Mission
Thanks for the outpouring of items for the Hope Rescue Mission Clothing Drive. So far, their truck has picked up three huge loads of clothing, and much new underwear, socks, and shoes have been purchased. Our closets must be full of uncrowded space.
In honor of Children’s Day on June 9th, the Mission Committee would like to support The Children’s Home of Reading (CHOR) for its next project.
Located on Centre Ave. in Reading, CHOR is a multi-faceted social service nonprofit offering specialized residential, educational and community-based programs to help both at-risk children and their families. They offer over 40 specialized programs which are trauma focused and treatment oriented. They have been helping children and their families for over 140 years. Currently, the organization supports and houses children ranging from 12-18 years of age.
Needs for this age group include:
- Socks, underwear
- Feminine wear, body wash/soap, shampoo, toothbrushes
- Card games such as UNO, board games and art supplies/crafts
- They love any ready to grab food and snacks such as fruit cups, pudding cups, any food items with a pop lid, Vienna sausages, soup cups (only need to add water) and Ramen noodles
- Monetary donations are always welcome.
We will be accepting donations in the Wagner room for the months of May and June. As always, we appreciate your support! Any questions, please see Carol Bashore, Deb Gehr or any Mission Committee member. Thank you!
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