2021 Missions News
Updated November 2021: We contributed over 250 pounds of food as well as $250 to Helping Harvest, and raised enough to fund 16 surgeries through the Operation Smile project!
Updated November 2021: We contributed over 250 pounds of food as well as $250 to Helping Harvest, and raised enough to fund 16 surgeries through the Operation Smile project!
Join what God is doing and pack a shoebox! At LP, generous participants since 2002 have filled 1,000 shoeboxes for children in need in over 130 countries. Shoebox gifts for children overseas must be brought to the Wagner Room or the Church Office porch, by Sunday, November 21.
During November and December, we have a lot to remember and celebrate. As we prepare our special services this season, let us invite others to enjoy what we offer, that all may experience Christ.
Join Pastor Chris for a seven-week study using content from The Work of the People (TWOTP) that explores “The Ridiculous Journey: Following a Nobody from Nowhere.” We will learn about a Middle Eastern homeless man from twenty centuries ago and why he still stirs the souls and imagination of so many.
We’re almost beginning another beautiful fall season. As we start wrapping up summer and moving into fall, it feels like a new start, a fresh beginning, a time to reorient our lives.