Flea Market 2019
Saturday, May 18, 7:00 am-3:00 pm | Lincoln Park United Methodist Church, 1 Carlisle Ave, Reading, PA 19609 | Indoor/Outdoor event featuring tons of items.
Saturday, May 18, 7:00 am-3:00 pm | Lincoln Park United Methodist Church, 1 Carlisle Ave, Reading, PA 19609 | Indoor/Outdoor event featuring tons of items.
April 21 at 9 AM and 11 AM | Preludes begin at 10:40 AM | The Berkshire Brass will again be our guest musicians at the Traditional Service (11 AM). | Bring Your Baskets on Easter for an Egg Hunt Between Services. The egg hunt will be between services on Easter Sunday for all members, friends and visitors, all ages up to 12.
Four Saturdays, April 6-27, 2019 | Sessions with the director, pastors, teachers, pediatrician, fellow learners and young mothers of the community, helpers
March 24th, 2019 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. | We will be doing a service project for our shut-ins along with games for the kids and kids at heart!
Thursday Nights, March 14th to April 18th | Pastor Adam Hamilton’s teachings on the Final Words from the Cross are inspiring and thought-provoking. We invite you to join us our table fellowship (soup & salad) at 6 p.m. and then in encouraging one another’s faith journey.