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Airplane wing in flight

From The Pastor – July 2023

I believe my appointment to Lincoln Park Community UMC at this time in history is when we were supposed to enter into our ministry journey together, and it’s not by chance but a divine appointment.
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From the Pastor – May 2023

Dear Friends, as I write this, I’m filled with mixed emotions. It’s not only leaving our Lincoln Park family but also retiring after many years of ministry that has me deep in thought.
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spring purple flowers

From The Pastor, March 2023

Dear Friends, Already, we’re in the Lenten season, which began Ash Wednesday, February 22, and will continue for 40 days. We don’t find the observance of these 40 days of Lent in the Bible. However, we do read about Noah,…

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Happy and Blessed New Year 2023

Dear Friends, As we begin a new year, it’s natural to feel hope and anticipation for what the future may bring. I always look forward to the beginning of a new year with some excitement; it’s a chance to start…

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