Dearly Beloved in Christ
We’re almost beginning another beautiful fall season. As we start wrapping up summer and moving into fall, it feels like a new start, a fresh beginning, a time to reorient our lives.
We’re almost beginning another beautiful fall season. As we start wrapping up summer and moving into fall, it feels like a new start, a fresh beginning, a time to reorient our lives.
Summer is already here and by the time you get this News-Linc in your hands, you’ll be getting ready for (or already celebrated) the Fourth of July. We thank God for the freedoms we enjoy in our country and gratefully remember men and women who have died defending our freedoms. Summer also marks the end of a school year and is a time to thank God for all our students, teachers, and staff who have successfully completed another school year, especially in the midst of a challenging year.
Dear Friends, Sunday mornings are not only times to be spiritually nourished, but also to be in community as friends and families. Thank God, we’ve been able to reopen our church for in-person services, following CDC guidelines.
Greetings to You in Our Lord’s Name! From Pastor Christopher Kurien Dear Beloved, On February 17, Ash Wednesday, the church entered into another Lenten season. In 325 AD, the Council of Nicea established Lent as a holy season to be…
As we begin a new year, we look back on the difficulties of this past year. Without a doubt 2020 has been one of the most difficult years for our current generation.