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One Great Hour of Sharing

One Great Hour of Sharing

On Sunday, March 6, 2016, we will join with other Methodists to celebrate One Great Hour of Sharing. This is a crucial Sunday for us because it is the day we come together to empower our disaster relief arm of…

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Angel Tree

Angel Tree Gifts Bring Joy

From Jim Eckert We’ll be setting up our Angel Tree soon after Thanksgiving, so we can help families in need enjoy Christmas, through the Salvation Army’s Adopt-a-Family Program. Last year we gave gifts for three families, by shopping for requests…

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Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

The Power of a Simple Gift From Jim Eckert It's time to fill a shoe box again! Since 2002, generous participants at our church have filled nearly 1000 boxes with small gifts for children, many of whom have never before…

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Basics for Babies

Basics for Babies – Thank You

Thank you to everyone who generously contributed to our recent BASICS FOR BABIES collection. Our church collected 18 canisters of formula, 12 packages of diapers, 16 packs of baby wipes, 39 containers of baby food, eight boxes of cereal, as well as 18 bottles of shampoo, lotion, and washes. All items were delivered to the Salvation Army for distribution to needy families.
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