Young Mothers Spiritual Retreat
Four Saturdays, April 6-27, 2019 | Sessions with the director, pastors, teachers, pediatrician, fellow learners and young mothers of the community, helpers
Four Saturdays, April 6-27, 2019 | Sessions with the director, pastors, teachers, pediatrician, fellow learners and young mothers of the community, helpers
March 24th, 2019 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. | We will be doing a service project for our shut-ins along with games for the kids and kids at heart!
Thursday Nights, March 14th to April 18th | Pastor Adam Hamilton’s teachings on the Final Words from the Cross are inspiring and thought-provoking. We invite you to join us our table fellowship (soup & salad) at 6 p.m. and then in encouraging one another’s faith journey.
Pastor SunAe will offer a Bible Study on the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Please join us in Memorial Hall on Wednesday mornings for six weeks starting on January 16, 2019 at 10am.
7 pm - Family Candle Lighting Service with Christmas Pageant. | 10 pm - Traditional Candle Lighting and Communion Service. Preludes at 9:30.