Lincoln Park Community United Methodist Church is pleased to announce the introduction of an electronic option for making regular offerings or a onetime contribution.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a safe and convenient way to support the ministries of Lincoln Park Community UMC. Contributions can now be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card and deposited directly into the church bank account.
This online system, provided by Vanco Services LLC, enables you to donate to the church by making a onetime contribution or establishing recurring contributions. You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness, or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis.
Click on the DONATE NOW button. If it is your first time you will need to CREATE A PROFILE.
Create a Profile using your email address and enter a password, home address, a phone number, and the bank account or credit/debit card of your choice.
You may choose where your contribution will be used such as:
- General Budget (Operating Funds)
- Special Offerings (Lent, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Anniversary Sunday)
- Designated Funds (Missions, Food Ministry, Endowment, Memorial, Children and Youth Ministry, Music Ministry, Pastor’s Discretionary, or Building/Repair Fund)
- Other (Alter Flowers, Bulletin sponsorship, Christmas/Easter Flowers, Upper Room etc.)
You choose the amount that you want to contribute.
You choose how often you want the amount deducted and the start date.
If you would like help, contact the church office at 610-777-1422 or e-mail
What are the benefits of setting up a recurring donation?
It reduces check writing for frequent donors. There is no extra cost to you. It allows donations to continue uninterrupted during absences and donations can be spread out over time. It consumes fewer resources than paper check processing.
How do automated contributions work?
No matter which donation method you use, you will be asked to select a payment method, start date, frequency and contribution amount. On the date(s) scheduled, donations will be debited from your account and deposited into the church bank account.
Why Vanco Payment Solutions?
Vanco is a respected financial provider used by many other Methodist churches. It is endorsed by the United Methodist Church. The General Council on Finance & Administration of the UMC has negotiated with Vanco so that our church will not pay a startup fee and no monthly fees for this first year. Transaction fees are small and are charged to the church not to the individual contributor.
Do I have to use a bank account or can I use a credit/debit card?
You may have contributions debited from your checking or savings account or you may use Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover cards.
When will my contribution be processed?
Your contribution will be processed each week/ month on the date(s) you authorize.
What can I use to show I made a donation?
The itemized list of electronic transactions that appears on your bank or credit card statement can be used as proof of your donations. You will receive a confirmation email after each transaction, and you will also receive your LPCUMC giving statement.
How safe is Electronic Giving?
Secure donation services are provided by Vanco Services, LLC. Vanco processes electronic donations for thousands of churches and nonprofit organizations.
How can I still participate in the offering during services?
You will not need regular giving envelopes but can use an “I give electronically” card from the pew rack and drop in the offering plate.
What if I need to cancel or temporarily place my donation on hold?
You can cancel or suspend donations by going online to your Vanco Online account with your email and password. Then view Scheduled Transactions and click Edit.
I still have questions. Who do I contact?
The church office at 610-777-1422 or by e-mail at