Loving God and loving our neighbors. (Luke 10:27)
Welcome to Lincoln Park! We offer two worship services every Sunday. Our Contemporary Service starts at 9 AM and our Traditional Service starts at 11 AM. Both services are family-friendly and we have a professionally-staffed nursery available for your little ones. If you can’t make it in person, we also livestream our services on Facebook. We would love to have you join us!
Lincoln Park’s Angel Tree Never Disappoints
UPDATE 12/16/24: The Missions Committee thanks everyone who participated in the Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family Angel Tree project. Today, a car full of gifts—winter coats, clothing, personal care products, household items, toys, and gift cards—was delivered to the Salvation Army. Because of your generosity, this family will have a memorable Christmas.
Thanks to You, Our Food Ministry Is on Solid Ground!
As we complete our second full year in operation, we’re happy to announce that we are on solid ground. We’re grateful to you, our congregation, for your support to this mission. We’ve been able to provide hundreds of meals to Opportunity House and hundreds of Care Meals to members of our church family, as well as neighbors and friends in our communities.
Giving Thanks
As we embark on the upcoming holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, let us remember to thank God for our church, our family, our friends, our accomplishments, and all the that we’ve been blessed with. As you gather to carve the turkey or exchange the gifts, share about how God has blessed you.