Worship Set May 3
Sing Sing Sing, Revelation Song, Thrive, Breathe, The Bread Has Been Broken, Our God #WorshipSet #May3
Sing Sing Sing, Revelation Song, Thrive, Breathe, The Bread Has Been Broken, Our God #WorshipSet #May3
Let Your Kingdom Come, This Is Amazing Grace, Glorious One, You Make Me Brave #WorshipSet #Apr26
Lead Me To The Cross, For Who You Are, Holy, I Give You My Heart, How Great Is Our God #WorshipSet #Apr19
Shine Your Love, From The Inside Out, You Love Me Anyway, Multiplied #WorshipSet #Apr12
A New Hallelujah, Friend Of God, Mighty To Save, Your Name #WorshipSet #Apr5 #Easter2015