2021 Missions News
Updated November 2021: We contributed over 250 pounds of food as well as $250 to Helping Harvest, and raised enough to fund 16 surgeries through the Operation Smile project!
Updated November 2021: We contributed over 250 pounds of food as well as $250 to Helping Harvest, and raised enough to fund 16 surgeries through the Operation Smile project!
Thank you for supporting our Water for Life project with many generous donations. This project builds "clean water wells" in impoverished areas throughout the world. Our goal is to raise enough money to build 10 wells, and we are currently at 8+ wells!
Our Missions Committee thanks you and continues to ask for your help. Mission contributions have been generous, enabling us to continue helping others during this pandemic.
Since the start of the virus pandemic, there have been many individual donations to our church Mission Fund. So when Caitlyn Christopher asked to spearhead a project to provide lunches for New Journey Community Outreach recipients, we knew it would be a great way to help our local community.
Thank you for supporting our Water for Life project with many generous donations. This project builds "clean water wells" in impoverished areas throughout the world. Our goal is to raise enough money to build 10 or more wells by June.